Monday, May 27, 2013


1. Being transgender is a choice.---- why would someone choose this for their life? The surgeries, the dysphoria, the wrong gendering?? possible one of the stupidest myths ever!
2. Gender and sexuality are the same thing. how is being a male and being straight  the same thing? 
3. All trans people are men in dresses. umm- i am a man and I am not ever gonna be caught in a dress.
4. Trans people can't have families.- so i dont have a family??? hmm thats news to me I have my wife.
5. Trans people are just transvestites.
6. All trans people are really gay.I am not gay.
7. All trans men are butch/extremely masculine and all trans women are extremely feminine. I am a trans man and I have a feminine 
8. All trans women have breast you not know about hormones?
9. Trans women are all sex workers.i know plenty that aren't
10. Trans women transition just to have access to more sex partners.fucked up to say that someone would change their whole body to a different sex just for more sexual partners.
11. All trans people are male-to-female; female-to-male trans people don't exist...... since when do I not exist? I thought I was a real boy. lol 
12. All trans people want surgery. not true, i know of some that never get surgery.
13. You aren't a real trans person if you don't want surgery.not true.. you are trans if you identify as the opposite gender than you were born
14. Being a trans person is extremely rare. I know more trans people than i can count, maybe not in person but if we were counting just knowing in person I could say I know about 10...
15. You aren't really a trans person until you start HRT.Im not a real person... someone pinch me I dont believe it..
16. All trans people are sex addicts.
17. All trans people are interested in sex.
18. Trans women transition because they weren't successful as a male.
not true
19. Trans men transition because they weren't successful as a female. i was successful but I was never happy
20. Trans women want equality just so they can sneak into women's bathrooms or other women's-only areas.
21. If you don't feel like your gender was wrong from a very early age, you aren't a real trans person.some people dont know until later in life.
22. It's always just a phase. It can be cured by religion, drugs, peer pressure, etc.if it could be fixed my family would have found a way because i am an embarrassment to them
23. Everyone is trans in the same way. 
24. Trans men transition to get male privilege and trans women try to gain female privilege while retaining male privilege.
25. People are trans solely because of poor parental role models.not true. I had role models in every type and i still am trans..
26. People are trans because they aren't religious enough. i grew up catholic, fought with every priest i met. i am Buddhist.
27. Your outer shell defines who you are.if it did im screwed 
28. Your genitalia define who you are.hahahhahaha whatever
29. Being transgendered automatically means going to Hell.what if you dont believe in heaven or hell
30. All trans people think/act the same way.
31. Trans people aren't "real" men/women. what is a real man or woman? 
32. Only rich, privileged people are poorer than dirt and I am trans.
33. Trans people are protected under federal anti-discrimination laws in the U.S. there are trans discrimination laws in some states
34. Trans people can be cured by conversion therapy.for the last time THERE IS NO CURE. JUST LET US TRANSITION
35. Gender is just an abstract concept so transition is not necessary and always misguided.
36. Feminists who believe in deconstructing gender will always support trans women.
37. Cis-gendered people won't keep moving the goalposts as soon as you reach them.
38. People who want GRS are simply amputation fetishists.
39. If you want GRS, this is a type of self-harm or self-mutilation, removing "healthy" tissue.
40. Trans people are just like anorexics - they are simply deluded about their own bodies being "wrong".
41. It is okay to allow transphobia and cissexism to continue because being trans is somehow wrong/evil/sinful.
42. Psychology invented transexualism as a way to make queer and gender non-conforming people into straight, conforming people.
43. Being in an unaltered body is more moral than being in an altered one.
44. Being trans is just like being schizophrenic - they are both just hallucinations and delusions, so transition should be prohibited.
45. Gender is either masculine or feminine; trans people are just confused between the two.
46. There are no religions which accept being trans.
47. Teens and younger people are not old enough to know their gender identity.
48. Trans people are deceiving others about their "true" gender.
49. Your sex can be clearly defined by your chromosomes and/or hormones.
50. Transsexual, transgender, transvestite and intersex are all the same thing.NOT TRUE


  1. Great list! I have heard almost all of these and they are definately not true! The one cracked me up about trans women not being successful as men, though. When I went to SCC a few transwomen asked me to go to dinner with them. We went to a VERY fancy restaurant. They were all doctors and one was a neurosurgeon as a "back up" She had 3 houses and aprivate jet. As a college grad, she founded a company that supplies medical test results to hospitals and Doctors offices. Then she went to med school "for fun"

    1. I got this list from a facebook transgender page. I had to share it and put my input on most of them. Yeah, I already have one degree in Business and now I am going to school for Psychology. I just am going for fun I am disabled and cannot work so it give me something to do.
