Thursday, June 13, 2013

Trans Wear Part 1......Point 5 cc T-shirt company.

      I know there are a few people who have t-shirts out there for sale, to raise money for surgeries needed but I want to start with Aydian and Jenilee Dowding's Company Point 5 cc t-shirts.

      These 2 people are amazing in what they do, they hand make the shirts, and they are now even traveling to pride events, and the Philly Trans Health Conference (which is this weekend June 13-15). I purchase 2 shirts from their throwback collections which are 50% off.  They also offer for people who cannot afford a binder a way to get one with no charge because people have donated ones that were either too small or large for them, or no longer needed since surgery. Once a year they take I believe 75 % if not more to one person a who enters to win the money towards their top surgery. I believe this is amazing that people who take time out of their day to do things to make another's life better is rare and should be acknowledged. I have watched everyone of Aydian's YouTube video's under ALionsFear.  I personally donated I believe two binders that were way to small for me and will continue to support an amazing company.

The website is:
A list of the things on there for sale are:
shirts: at least 20 different shirts.
and now boxers.
I do not know if they will be bringing back the hats or sweatshirts because they currently say sold out but if they do I plan on purchasing those quickly.


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